Publications & Awards
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Submitted Publications
S Scherrer, S N Ramakrishna, V Niggel, R Style, N D Spencer and L Isa
"Sliding or Rolling? Characterizing single-particle contacts"
Y Feng, D Gerber, S Heyden, M Kröger, E R Dufresne, L Isa and R W Style
"Characterizing hydrogel behavior under compression with gel-freezing osmometry"
submitted, external page
S Ketzetzi, L Caprini, V Willems, L Alvarez, H Löwen and L Isa
"Self-reconfiguring colloidal active matter"
external page
V Biagioni, G Procopio, L Agosta, L Isa, F Paratore and S Cerbelli
"Pressure Drop vs Efficiency in nano Liquid Chromatography: is High Dissipation Really Needed?"
F Müller, K Yank, L Isa and J Vermant
"Tuning Particle Aspect Ratio and Surface Roughness to Modulate Properties in Colloidal Gels"
C van Baalen, S Ketzetzi, A Tintor and L Isa
"Gating and tunable confinement of active colloids within patterned environments"
external page
C van Baalen, L Alvarez, R W Style and L Isa
"Tunable Assembly of Confined Janus Microswimmers in Sub-kHz AC Electric Fields under Gravity”
external page
F Müller, S N Ramakrishna, L Isa and J Vermant
"Tuning Colloidal Gel Properties: The Influence of Central and Noncentral Forces"
Langmuir Article ASAP, external page DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c03602
M Hu, Z Ma, M Kim, D Kim, S Ye, S Pané, Y Bao, R Style and L Isa
"Self-Reporting Multiple Microscopic Stresses through Tunable Microcapsule Arrays"
external page Advanced Materials, 2410945, (2024)
S Ketzetzi, L Isa and J Simmchen
"Active Colloids in Complex Environments"
in "Active Colloids: From Fundamentals to Frontiers", edited by W Wang, W Uspal and J Simmchen, Royal Society of Chemistry Soft Matter Series, Volume 20, 2024, external page
G Gompper, HA Stone, C Kurzthaler, D Saintillan, F Peruani, D Fedosov, T Auth, C Cottin-Bizonne, C Ybert, E Clément, T Darnige, A Lindner, RE Goldstein, B Liebchen, J Binysh , A Souslov, L Isa, R di Leonardo, G Frangipane, H Gu, BJ Nelson, F Brauns, MC Marchetti, F Cichos, V-L Heuthe, C Bechinger, A Korman, O Feinerman, A Cavagna, I Giardina, H Jeckel and K Drescher
"The 2025 Motile Active Matter Roadmap"
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, in press
MR Bailey, F Grillo and L Isa
"Simulation and time series analysis of responsive active Brownian particles (rABPs) with memory"
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,
M R Bailey, D A Fedosov, F Paratore, F Grillo, G Gompper and L Isa
"Low efficiency of Janus microswimmers as hydrodynamic mixers"
external page Physical Review E, 110, 044601 (2024)
Z C Meijs, HS Yun, C Sirvinski, DK Yoon and L Isa
"Regular arrays of topological defects within nematic liquid crystals by colloidal assembly"
external page Liquid Crystals, 1–9. (2024)
C Pavón, A Ongaro, I Filipucci, S N Ramakrishna, A Mattarei, L Isa, H-A Klok, F Lorandi and E M Benetti
"The Structural Dispersity of Oligo(ethylene glycol)-Containing Poly(meth)acrylate Brushes Determines Their Interfacial Properties"
external page Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146, 24, 16912–16919 (2024)
J Vialetto, S N Ramakrishna, L Isa and M Laurati
"Effect of particle stiffness and surface properties on the nonlinear viscoelasticity of dense microgel suspensions"
external page Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 672, 814-823 (2024)
J Vialetto, S N Ramakrishna, S Stock, R von Klitzing and L Isa
"Modulating the conformation of microgels by complexation with inorganic nanoparticles"
external page Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 672, 797-804 (2024)
S van Kesteren, P Diethelm, S-H Jung and L Isa
"DNA-based replication of programmable colloidal assemblies"
external page Small, 2400180 (2024)
S van Kesteren, P Diethelm and L Isa
"Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) for purifying colloidal clusters"
external page Soft Matter, 20, 2881-2886 (2024)
S Scherrer, S N Ramakrishna, V Niggel, N D Spencer and L Isa
"Measuring rolling friction at the nanoscale"
external page Langmuir, 40, 13, 6750–6760 (2024)
M R Bailey, C M Barriuso Gutiérrez, J Martín-Roca, V Niggel, V Carrasco-Fadanelli, I Buttinoni, I Pagonabarraga, L Isa and C Valeriani
"Minimal numerical ingredients describe chemical microswimmers’ 3-D motion"
external page Nanoscale, 16, 2444-2451 (2024)
C van Baalen, W E Uspal, M N Popescu and L Isa
"From scattering to orbiting upon increasing the fuel concentration for an active Janus colloid at an obstacle-decorated interface"
external page Soft Matter, 19, 8790 - 8801 (2023)
ZC Meijs, HS Yun, P Fandre, G Park, DK Yoon and L Isa
"Pixelated Physical Unclonable Functions through Capillarity-Assisted Particle Assembly"
external page ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 45, 53053–53061 (2023)
C Boggon, S Mairpady-Shambat, AS Zinkernagel, E Secchi and L Isa
"Single-cell patterning and characterisation of antibiotic persistent bacteria using bio-sCAPA"
external page Lab on a Chip, 23, 5018 - 5028 (2023)
C van Baalen, J Vialetto and L Isa
"Tuning Electrostatic Interactions of Colloidal Particles at Oil-Water Interfaces with Organic Salts"
external page Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 128202 (2023)
F Müller, L Isa and J Vermant
"Toughening colloidal gels using rough building blocks"
external page Nature Communications 14, 5309 (2023)
G Bordon, SN Ramakrishna, SG Edalat, R Eugster, A Arcifa, S Aleandri, MF Bertoncelj, L Isa, R Crockett, O Distler and P Luciani
"Liposomal aggregates sustain the release of rapamycin and protect cartilage from friction"
external page Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 650 Part B, 1659-1670 (2023)
M Hu, X Shen, D Tran, Z Ma and L Isa
"Modular assembly of microswimmers with liquid compartments"
external page Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 35, 435101(2023)
J Vialetto, F Camerin, SN Ramakrishna, E Zaccarelli and L Isa
"Exploring the three-dimensional conformation of hard-core softshell particles adsorbed at a fluid interface"
external page Advanced Science, 2303404 (2023)
HS Yun, Z C Meijs, G Park, Y Fu, L Isa and D K Yoon
"Liquid Crystal Defect Engineering via Capillarity-Assisted Particles Assembly"
external page Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 645, 115-121 (2023)
M R Bailey, T A Gmür, F Grillo, and L Isa
"A Modular Polymer for Nanoparticle Supports"
external page Chemistry of Materials, 35, 9, 3731–3741 (2023)
V Niggel, M R Bailey, C van Baalen, N Zosso and L Isa
"3-D rotation tracking from 2-D images of spherical colloids with textured surfaces"
external page Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 3069 - 3079
J-A Ulbrich, C Fernandez-Rico, B Rost, J Vialetto, L Isa, JS Urbach and RPA Dullens
"Effect of curvature on the diffusion of colloidal bananas"
external page Phys. Rev. E 107, L042602 (2023)
S van Kesteren, L Alvarez, S Arrese-Igor, A Alegria and L Isa
"Self-propelling colloidal finite state machines"
external page Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 120 (11) e2213481120 (2023)
NAM. Araújo, L Janssen, T Barois, G Boffetta, I Cohen, A Corbetta, O Dauchot, M Dijkstra, W Durham, A Dussutour, S Garnier, H Gelderblom, R Golestanian, L Isa, GH Koenderink, H Löwen, R Metzler, M Polin, CP Royall, A Saric, A Sengupta, C Sykes, V Trianni, I Tuval, N Vogel, JM Yeomans, I Zuriguel, A Marin and G Volpe
"Steering self-organisation through confinement"
external page Soft Matter, 2023,19, 1695-1704
S van Kesteren, X Shen, M Aldeghi and L Isa
"Printing on particles: combining two-photon nanolithography and capillary assembly to fabricate multi-material microstructures"
external page Advanced Materials, 2207101 (2023)
K Zhao, M Hu, C van Baalen, L Alvarez and L Isa
"Sorting of heterogeneous colloids by AC-dielectrophoretic forces in a microfluidic chip with asymmetric orifices"
external page Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 634, 921-929 (2023)
M R Bailey, A R Sprenger, F Grillo, H Löwen and L Isa
"Fitting an active Brownian particle's mean-squared displacement with improved parameter estimation"
external page Physical Review E, 106, L052602 (2022)
J Vialetto, SN Ramakrishna and L Isa
"In-situ imaging of the three-dimensional shape of soft responsive particles at fluid interfaces by atomic force microscopy"
external page Science Advances 8(45): eabq2019external page
V Niggel, C-P Hsu and L Isa
"Dynamically shaping the surface of silica colloids"
external page Soft Matter, 18, 7794-7803 (2022)
M R Bailey, F Grillo and L Isa
"Tracking Janus Microswimmers in 3D with Machine Learning"
external page Soft Matter,18, 7291-7300 (2022)
N Nussbaum, J Bergfreund, J Vialetto, L Isa and P Fischer
"Microgels as globular protein model systems"
external page Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 217, 112595 (2022)
M Hu, N Reichholf, Y Xia, L Alvarez, X Cao, S Ma, AJ deMello and L Isa
"Multi-compartment supracapsules made from nano-containers towards programmable release"
external page Materials Horizons, 9, 1641 - 1648 (2022)
J Vialetto, M Zanini and L Isa
"Attachment and detachment of particles to and from fluid interfaces"
external page Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 58, 101560 (2022)
J Vialetto, N Nussbaum, J Bergfreund, P Fischer and L Isa
"Influence of the interfacial tension on the microstructural and mechanical properties of microgels at fluid interfaces"
external page Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 608(3), 2584-2592 (2022)
M R Bailey, N Reichholf, A Flechsig, F Grillo and L Isa
"Microswimmers from Scalable Galvanic Displacement"
external page Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 2100200 (2021)
M R Bailey, F Grillo, N D Spencer and L Isa
"Microswimers from Toposelective Nanoparticle Attachment"
external page Advanced Functional Materials, 2109175 (2021)
R Pioli, R Stocker, L Isa and E Secchi
"Patterning of microorganisms and microparticles through sequential capillarity-assisted assembly"
JoVE, external page doi: 10.3791/63131
L Alvarez, MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, A Alegria, S Arrese-Igor, K Zhao, M Kröger and L Isa
"Reconfigurable Active Colloids with Internal Feedback"
external page Nature Communications, 12:4762 (2021)
J Vialetto, F Camerin, F Grillo, L Rovigatti, E Zaccarelli and L Isa
"Effect of Internal Architecture on the Assembly of Soft Particles at Fluid Interfaces"
external page ACS Nano, 15(8), 13105–13117 (2021)
C-P Hsu, HE Baysal, G Lundberg, G Mårtensson, L Prahl Wittberg and L Isa
"Roughness-dependent clogging of particle suspensions flowing into a constriction"
external page Soft Matter,17, 7252-7259 (2021)
C-P Hsu, J Mandal, SN Ramakrishna, ND Spencer and L Isa
"Exploring the roles of roughness, friction and adhesion in discontinuous shear thickening by means of thermo-responsive particles"
external page Nature Communications, 2: 1477 (2021)
R Pioli, MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, F Grillo, L Alvarez, R Stocker, L Isa and E Secchi
"Sequential capillarity-assisted particle assembly in a microfluidic channel"
external page Lab Chip, 21, 888-895 (2021)
MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, M-N Antonopoulou and L Isa
"Near-zero surface pressure assembly of rectangular lattices of microgels at fluid interfaces for colloidal lithography"
external page Soft Matter, 17, 335-340 (2021)
M Hu, C-P Hsu and L Isa
"Particle Surface Roughness as a Design Tool for Colloidal Systems"
external page Langmuir, 36(38), 11171–11182 (2020)
MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, F Grillo, L Alvarez, M Rathlef, I Buttinoni, G Volpe and L Isa
"Feedback-controlled active Brownian colloids with space-dependent rotational dynamics"
external page Nature Communications, 11: 4223 (2020)
R Savo, A Morandi, J Müller, F Kaufmann, F Timpu, M Reig Escalé, M Zanini, L Isa and R Grange
"Broadband Mie-driven random quasi-phase-matching"
external page Nature Photonics, 14, 740–747(2020)
K Dietrich, N Jaensson, I Buttinoni, G Volpe and L Isa
"Microscale Marangoni Surfers"
external page Physical Review Letters, 098001 (2020)
F Grillo, MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, MN Antonopoulou, D Gerber, L Isa
"Self-Templating Assembly of Soft Microparticles into Complex Tessellations"
external page Nature, 582, 219–224 (2020)
M Rey, MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, M Karg, L Isa and N Vogel
"Poly-N-isopropylacrylamide Nanogels and Microgels at Fluid Interfaces"
external page Acc. Chem. Res. 2020, 53, 414-424
AR Sprenger, MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, L Alvarez, L Isa, R Wittkowski and H Löwen
"Active Brownian motion with orientation-dependent motility: theory and experiments"
external page Langmuir, 36(25), 7066–7073, (2020)
S Bochenek, A Scotti, W Ogieglo, MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, M Schulte, R Gumerov, N Bushuev, I Potemkin, M Wessling, L Isa, and W Richtering
"Effect of the 3D swelling of microgels on their 2D phase behavior at the liquid-liquid interface"
external page Langmuir, 2019, 35, 51, 16780-16792
KB Smith, MA Fernandez Rodriguez, L Isa and R Mezzenga
"Creating gradients of amyloid fibrils from the liquid-liquid interface"
external page Soft Matter 2019, 15, 8437-8440
M Zanini, A Cingolani, C-P Hsu, A Beltzung, S Caimi, MA Fernandez Rodriguez, D Mitrano, G Storti and L Isa
"Mechanical phase inversion of Pickering emulsions via metastable wetting of rough colloids"
external page Soft Matter 2019, 15, 7888-7900
B Schroyen, C-P Hsu, L Isa, P Van Puyvelde, and J Vermant
"Stress contributions in colloidal suspensions: The smooth, the rough, and the hairy"
external page Physical Review Letters 2019, 122, 218001
A Aloi, N Vilanova, L Isa, AM de Jong and IK Voets
"Super-resolution microscopy on single particles at fluid interfaces reveals their wetting properties and interfacial deformations"
external page Nanoscale 2019, 11, 6654-6661
NM James, C-P Hsu, ND Spencer, HM Jaeger, and L Isa
"Tuning Interparticle Hydrogen Bonding in Shear-Jamming Suspensions: Kinetic Effects and Consequences for Tribology and Rheology"
external page J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019,10, 8, 1663-1668
F Camerin,MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, L Rovigatti, MN Antonopoulou, N Gnan, A Ninarello, L Isa and E Zaccarelli
"Microgels adsorbed at liquid-liquid interfaces: a joint numerical andexperimental study"
external page ACS Nano 2019, 13, 4, 4548-4559
A Scotti, S Bochenek, M Brugnoni, MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, MF Schulte, JE Houston, A Gelissen, II Potemkin, L Isa, and W Richtering
"Exploring the colloid-to-polymer transition for ultra-low crosslinked microgels from three to two dimensions"
external page Nature Communications 10, 1418 (2019) ,
CH Mathis, R Simič, C Kang, SN Ramakrishna, L Isa and ND Spencer
"Indenting polymer brushes of varying grafting density in a viscous fluid: A gradient approach to understanding fluid confinement"
external page Polymer, 2019, 169, pp. 115-123
MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, R Elnathan, R Ditcovski, GM Conley, F Timpu, A Rauh, K Geisel, T Ellenbogen, R Grange, F Scheffold, M
Karg,Walter Richtering, Nicolas H. Voelcker, and L Isa
"Tunable 2D Binary Colloidal Alloys for Soft Nanotemplating"
external page Nanoscale, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8NR07059H
S Vasudevan, A Rauh, M Kroger, M Karg and L Isa
"Dynamics and wetting behavior of soft particles at a fluid-fluid interface"
external page Langmuir, Just Accepted Manuscript, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b03048
K Dietrich, G Volpe, MN Sulaiman, D Renggli, I Buttinoni and L Isa
"Active Atoms and Interstitials in Two-dimensional Colloidal Crystals"
external page Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 268004, 2018
L Cristofolini, D Orsi and L Isa
"Characterization of the dynamics of interfaces and of interface-dominated systems via spectroscopy and microscopy techniques"
external page Current Opinions in Colloid and Interface Science, 37, pp. 13-31, 2108
C-P Hsu, SN Ramakrishna, M Zanini, ND Spencer and L Isa
"Roughness-dependent tribology effects on discontinuous shear thickening"
external page Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 115 (20), pp. 5117-5122, 2018
M Zanini, I Lesov, E Marini, C-P Hsu, C Marschelke, A Synytska, SE Anachkov and L Isa
"Detachment of rough colloids from liquid-liquid interfaces"
external page Langmuir, 34 (16), pp. 4861-4873, 2018
S Ni, L Isa and H Wolf
"Capillary assembly as a tool for the heterogeneous integration of micro- and nanoscale objects"
external page Soft Matter, 14, pp. 2978-2995, 2018
S Ni, H Wolf and L Isa
"Programmable assembly of hybrid nanoclusters"
external page Langmuir, 34 (7), pp. 2481-2488, 2018
SA Vasudevan, L Barbera, A Rauh, M Karg and L Isa
"Stable in bulk and aggregating at the interface: comparing core-shell nanoparticles in suspension and at fluid interfaces"
external page Langmuir, 34 (3), pp 886–895, 2018
Invited article for the special issue “Early Career Authors in Fundamental Colloid and Interface Science”
I Buttinoni, WH Lin, J Cha, S Job, C Daraio and L Isa
"Direct observation of ultrashort pulse propagation in aqueous colloidal monolayers"
external page Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A, 114 (46), 12150–12155, 2017
L Isa, I Buttinoni, MA Fernandez-Rodriguez and S Vasudevan
"Two-dimensional assemblies of soft repulsive colloids confined at fluid interfaces"
external page EPL (Europhysics Letters), 119 (2),26001, 2017
Invited Perspective Article for the Foucs Issue "Self-assemblies of Inorganic and Organic Nanomaterials"
F Timpu, N Hendricks, M Petrov, S Ni, C Renaut, H Wolf, L Isa, Y Kivshar and R Grange
"Enhanced Second-Harmonic Generation from Sequential Capillarity-Assisted Particle Assembly of Hybrid Nanodimers"
external page Nano Letters, 17 (9), pp. 5381–5388, 2017
S Ni, E Marini, I Buttinoni, H Wolf and L Isa
"Hybrid colloidal microswimmers through sequential capillary assembly"
external page Soft Matter, 13, pp. 4252 - 4259, 2017
M Zanini, CP Hsu, T Magrini, E Marini and L Isa
"Fabrication of rough colloids by heteroaggregation"
external page Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 532, pp. 116-124, 2017
S Ni, I Buttinoni, H Wolf and L Isa
"Hybrid colloids produced by sequential capillarity-assisted particle assembly: a new path for complex microparticles"
external page CHIMIA, 71 (6), pp. 349-353, 2017
K Dietrich, D Renggli, M Zanini, G Volpe, I Buttinoni and L Isa
"Two-dimensional nature of the active Brownian motion of catalytic microswimmers at solid and liquid interfaces"
external page New Journal of Physics, 19, 065008, 2017
M Zanini, C Marschelke, S Anachkov, E Marini, A Synytska and L. Isa
"Universal emulsion stabilization from the arrested adsorption of rough particles at liquid-liquid interfaces"
external page Nature Communications, 8, 15701, 2017
S Coertjens, R De Dier, P Moldenaers, L Isa and J Vermant
"Adsorption of ellipsoidal particles at liquid-liquid interfaces"
external page Langmuir, 33 (11), pp. 2689–2697, 2017
I Buttinoni, M Steinacher, HTh Spanke, J Pokki, S Bahmann, B Nelson, G Foffi and L Isa
"Colloidal polycrystalline monolayers under oscillatory shear"
external page Phys. Rev. E, 95, 012610, 2017
L Scheidegger, MA Fernàndez-Rodriguez, K Geisel, M Zanini, R Elnathan, W Richtering and L Isa
"Compression and deposition of microgel monolayers from fluid interfaces: particle size effects on interface microstructure and nanolithography"
external page Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, pp. 8671-8680, 2017
Themed collection: 2017 PCCP HOT Articles. (Front cover image of the 07.04.2017 issue)
A Rauh, M. Rey, L Barbera, M Zanini, M. Karg and L Isa
"Compression of hard core-soft shell nanoparticles at liquid-liquid interfaces: influence of the shell thickness"
external page Soft Matter, 13, pp.158-169, 2017
L Alison, P Rühs, E Tervoort, A Teleki, M Zanini, L Isa and A Studart
"Pickering and Network Stabilization of Biocompatible Emulsions Using Chitosan-Modified Silica Nanoparticles"
external page Langmuir, 32 (50), pp. 13446–13457, 2016
SE Anachkov, I Lesov, M Zanini, PA Kralchevsky, ND Denkov, L Isa
"Particle detachment from fluid interfaces: Theory vs. Experiments"
external page Soft Matter, 12, pp. 7632-7643, 2016
CH Mathis, M Divandari, R Simic, V Naik, EM Benetti, L Isa and ND Spencer
"ATR-IR investigation of solvent interactions with surface-bound polymers"
external page Langmuir, 32 (30), pp. 7588–7595, 2016
PT Bähler, M Zanini, G Morgese, EM Benetti and L Isa
"Immobilization of colloidal monolayers at fluid-fluid interfaces"
external page Gels, 2(3), 19, 2016
M Zanini and L Isa
"Particle contact angles at fluid interfaces: pushing the boundary beyond hard uniform spherical colloids"
external page Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28(31), 313002, 2016
M Rey, MA Fernandez-Rodrıguez, M Steinacher, L Scheidegger, K Geisel, W Richtering, TM Squires and Lucio Isa
"Isostructural solid-solid phase transition in monolayers of soft core-shell particles at fluid interfaces: structure and mechanics"
external page Soft Matter, 12, pp. 3545 - 3557, 2016
S Ni, J Leemann, I Buttinoni, L Isa and H Wolf
"Programmable colloidal molecules from sequential capillarity-assisted particle assembly"
external page Science Advances, 2(4), e1501779, 2016
M Rey, R Elnathan, R Ditcovski, K Geisel, M Zanini, MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, VV Naik, A Frutiger, W Richtering, T Ellenbogen, NH Voelcker and L Isa
"Fully Tunable Silicon Nanowire Arrays Fabricated by Soft Nanoparticle Templating"
external page Nano Letters, 16(1), pp. 157-163, 2016
L Isa
"After stress comes relax(ation)",
external page New Journal of Physics, 17, 111003, 2015
R Elnathan, L Isa, D Brodoceanu, A Nelson, F Harding, B Delalat, T Kraus and NH Voelcker
"Versatile Particle-Based Route to Engineer Vertically Aligned Silicon Nanowire Arrays and Nanoscale Pores"
external page ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,7, pp. 23717-23724, 2015
A Sanchez-Ferrer, RP Carney, F Stellacci, R Mezzenga and L Isa
"Isolation and Characterization of Monodisperse Core–Shell Nanoparticle Fractions"
external page Langmuir, 31(41), pp. 11179-11185, 2015
R Elnathan, B Delalat, D Brodoceanu, H Alhmoud, F Harding, K Buehler, A Nelson, L Isa, T Kraus and N Voelcker
"Maximizing Transfection Efficiency of Vertically Aligned Silicon Nanowire Arrays"
external page Advanced Functional Materials,25, pp. 7215-7225, 2015
I Buttinoni, ZA Zell, TM Squires and L Isa
"Colloidal binary mixtures at fluid-fluid interfaces under steady shear: structural, dynamical and mechanical response"
external page Soft Matter, 11, pp. 8313-8321, 2015
R W Style, L Isa and E R Dufresne
"Adsorption of soft particles at fluid interfaces"
external page Soft Matter, 11, pp. 7412-7419, 2015
MA Fernandez-Rodriguez, J Ramos, L Isa, MA Rodriguez-Valverde, M Caberizo-Vilchez and R Hidalgo-Alvarez
"Interfacial activity and contact angle of homogeneous, functionalized and Janus nanoparticles at the water/decane interface"
external page Langmuir, 31 (32), pp. 8818–8823, 2015
N Fernandez, J Cayer-Barrioz, L Isa and ND Spencer
"A Direct, Robust Technique for Measurement of Friction between Microspheres"
external page Langmuir, 31 (32), pp. 8809–8817, 2015
CVM Cremmel, C Zink, K Maniura-Weber, L Isa and ND Spencer
"Orthogonal Morphological Feature Size and Density Gradients for Exploring Synergistic Effects in BiologyOrthogonal Morphological Feature Size and Density Gradients for Exploring Synergistic Effects in Biology"
external page Langmuir, 31 (30), pp. 8446–8452, 2015
JS Sander, M Steinacher, E Loiseau, AF Demirörs, M Zanini, L Isa and AR Studart
"Robust Microcompartments with Hydrophobically-Gated Shells"
external page Langmuir, 31 (25), pp. 6965–6970, 2015
C Kang, SN Ramakrishna, A Nelson, C Cremmel, H vom Stein, ND Spencer, L Isa and EM Benetti
"Ultrathin, Freestanding, Stimuli-Responsive, Porous Membranes from Polymer-Hydrogel Brushes"
external page Nanoscale, 7, pp. 13017 - 13025 , 2015
YH Lee, W Shi, HK Lee, R Jiang, IY Phang, Y Cui, L Isa, Y Yang, J Wang, S Li and XY Ling
"Nanoscale surface chemistry directs the tunable assembly of silver octahedra into three two-dimensional plasmonic superlattices"
external page Nature Communications, 6:6990, 2015
M Pla-Roca, L Isa, K Kumar and E Reimhult
"Selective (bio)functionalization of solid-state nanopores"
external page ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,7(11), pp. 6030–6035, 2015
S Ni, J Leemann, H Wolf and L Isa
"FD-2015 Nanoparticle: Insights into mechanisms of capillary assembly"
external page Faraday Discussions, , 181, pp. 225 - 242, 2015
A Nelson, D Wang, K Koynov and L Isa
"A multiscale approach to the adsorption of core-shell nanoparticles at fluid interfaces"
external page Soft Matter, 11, pp. 118-129, 2015
S Jordens, EE Riley, I Usov, L Isa, PD Olmsted and R Mezzenga
“Adsorption at liquid interfaces induces amyloid fibril bending and ring formation“
external page ACS Nano, 8 (11), pp. 11071–11079, 2014
K Schwenke, L Isa, DL Cheung and E Del Gado
“Conformations and effective interactions of polymer coated nanoparticles at liquid interfaces”
external page Langmuir, (42), pp. 12578–12586, 2014
S Jordens, PA Rühs, C Sieber, L Isa, P Fischer and R Mezzenga
“Bridging the Gap Between the Nanostructural Organization and Macroscopic Interfacial Rheology of Amyloid Fibrils at Liquid Interfaces “
external page Langmuir, 30 (33), pp. 10090–10097, 2014
K Geisel, W Richtering and L Isa
“Highly Ordered 2D Microgel Arrays: Compression versus Self-Assembly“
external page Soft Matter, 10, pp. 7968-7976, 2014
F Pinaud, K Geisel, P Massé, B Catargi, L Isa, W Richtering, V Ravaine, V Schmitt
“Adsorption of microgels at an Oil/Water Interface: correlation between packing and 2D elasticity“
external page Soft Matter,10, pp. 6963-6974, 2014
L Isa, N Samudrala and E Dufresne
“Adsorption of Sub-Micron Amphiphilic Dumbbells to Fluid Interfaces”
external page Langmuir, 30 (18), pp. 5057–5063, 2014
S Coertjens, P Moldenaers, J Vermant and L Isa
“Contact angles of micro-ellipsoids at fluid interfaces”
external page Langmuir, 30 (15), pp. 4289–4300, 2014
K Geisel, L Isa and W Richtering
“The Compressibility of pH-Sensitive Microgels at the Oil-Water Interface: Higher Charge Leads to Less Repulsion”
external page Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53(19), pp. 4905–4909, 2014
(Selected as "VIP", very important paper, top 5% of accepted papers)
K Schwenke, L Isa and E Del Gado
“Assembly of Nanoparticles at Liquid Interfaces: Crowding and Ordering”
external page Langmuir, 30 (11), pp. 3069–3074, 2014
A Synystka, A Kirillova and L Isa
“Synthesis and Contact Angle Measurements of Janus Particles”
external page ChemPlusChem, 79 (5), pp. 656 –661, 2014
Z A Zell, L Isa, P Ilg, LG Leal, TM Squires
“Adsorption energies of poly(ethylene oxide)-based surfactants and nanoparticles on an air-water surface”
external page Langmuir, 30(1), pp. 110-119, 2014
K Kumar, AB Dahlin, T Sannomiya, S Kaufmann, L Isa, and E Reimhult
“Embedded Plasmonic Nanomenhirs as Location-specific Biosensors”
external page Nano Letters, 13 (12), pp. 6122–6129, 2013
N Fernandez, R Mani, D Rinaldi, D Kadau, M Mosquet, H Lombois-Burger, J Cayer-Barrioz, HJ Herrmann, ND Spencer, and L Isa
“Microscopic mechanism for the shear-thickening of non-Brownian suspensions”
external page Physical Review Letters, 111, 108301, 2013
MI Amanti, A Bismuto, M Beck, L Isa, K Kumar, E Reimhult and J Faist
“Electrically driven nanopillars for THz quantum cascade lasers”
external page Optics Express, 21(9), pp. 10917–10923, 2013
L Isa
“Freeze-fracture Shadow-Casting (FreSCa) cryo-SEM as a tool to investigate the wetting of micro and nanoparticles at liquid-liquid interfaces”
external page CHIMIA, 67(4), pp. 231-235, 2013
L Isa
“Adsoprtion and microstructure of core-shell nanoparticles at liquid-liquid interfaces: an X-Ray reflectivity study”
external page CHIMIA, 67(4), pp. 297, 2013
BP Binks, L Isa and AT Tyowua
“Direct measurement of contact angles of silica particles in relation to double inversion of Pickering emulsions”
external page Langmuir, 29(16), pp. 4923–4927, 2013
S Jordens, L Isa, I Usov, and R Mezzenga
“Non-equilibrium nature of two-dimensional isotropic and nematic coexistence in amyloid fibrils at liquid interfaces”
external page Nature Communications, 4(1917), 2013
L Isa, D Calzolari, D Pontoni, T Gillich, A Nelson, R Zirbs, A Sanchez-Ferrer, R Mezzenga and E Reimhult
“Core-shell nanoparticle monolayers at planar liquid-liquid interfaces: effects of polymer architecture on the interface microstructure”
external page Soft Matter, 9(14), pp. 3789 – 3797, 2013
T Gillich, C Acikgöz, L Isa, ND Spencer, AD Schlüter and M Textor
“PEG-Stabilized Core-Shell Nanoparticles: Impact of Linear versus Dendritic Polymer Shell Architecture on Colloidal Properties and the Reversibility of Temperature-Induced Aggregation”
external page ACS Nano, 7(1), pp. 316–329, 2013
J S Sander, L Isa, P Rühs, P Fischer, and A R Studart
“Stabilization mechanism of double emulsions made by microfluidics”
external page Soft Matter, 8, pp. 11471-11477, 2012
K Geisel, L Isa and W Richtering
“Unraveling the 3D localization and deformation of responsive microgels at oil/water interfaces: a step forward in understanding soft emulsion stabilizers"
external page Langmuir, 28(45), pp. 15770–15776, 2012 (Cover image of the 13.11.2012 issue)
K Sugihara, J Stucki, L Isa, J Vörös and T Zambelli
“Electrically-induced lipid migration in non-lamellar phase”
external page Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 386, pp. 421–427, 2012
P Ballesta, G Petekidis, L Isa, WCK Poon and R Besseling
“Wall slip and flow of concentrated Hard-Sphere colloidal suspensions”
external page Journal of Rheology, 56(5), pp. 1005-1037, 2012
L Isa, F Lucas, R Wepf and E Reimhult
“Measuring single-nanoparticle wetting properties by freeze-fracture shadow-casting cryo-scanning electron microscopy”
external page Nature Communications, 2(438), 2011
selected as Feature Image (online cover image)
L Isa, E Amstad, K Schwenke, E Del Gado, P Ilg, M Kröger, E Reimhult
“Adsorption of core-shell nanoparticles at liquid–liquid interfaces”
external page Soft Matter, 7(17), pp 7663 – 7675, 2011
Invited contribution to the themed Soft Matter issue “Dynamics and Rheology of Fluid Interfaces” edited by Professor Gerald Fuller (Stanford University, USA) and Professor Jan Vermant (K.U. Leuven, Belgium).
L Isa, J-M Jung and R Mezzenga
“Unravelling adsorption and alignment of amyloid fibrils at interfaces by probe particle tracking”
external page Soft Matter, 7(18), pp 8127 - 8134 , 2011
K Kumar, L Isa, A Egner, R Schmidt, M Textor and E Reimhult
“Formation of Nanopore-spanning Lipid Bilayers Through Liposome Fusion”
external page Langmuir, 27(17), pp 10920–10928, 2011
B E B Jensen, A A A Smith, B Fejerskov, A Postma, P Senn, E Reimhult, M Pla-Roca, L Isa, D S Sutherland, B Städler, A N Zelikin
“Poly(vinyl alcohol) Physical Hydrogels: Noncryogenic Stabilization Allows Nano- and Microscale Materials Design”
external page Langmuir, 27(16), pp 10216–10223, 2011
K Kumar, L Isa, A B Dahlin,T Sannomiya, E Reimhult
“Fabrication and characterization of nanoscale structures for membrane sensing”
external page International Workshop on Biophotonics, Parma, Italy, 2011
R Besseling, L Isa, P Ballesta, G Petekidis, M E Cates and W C K Poon
“Shear Banding and Flow-Concentration Coupling in Colloidal Glasses”
external page Physical Review Letters, 105(26), 268301, 2010
E Amstad, L Isa, E Reimhult
“Nitrocatechol Dispersants to Tailor Superparamagnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles”
external page CHIMIA, 64(11), pp. 826-826, 2010
L Isa, K Kumar, M Müller, J Grolig, M Textor and E Reimhult
“Particle lithography from colloidal self-assembly at liquid-liquid interfaces (SALI)”
external page ACS Nano, 4(10), pp. 5665–5670, 2010
L Isa, E Amstad, M Textor and E Reimhult
“Self-Assembly of Iron Oxide-poly(ethylene glycol) Core–Shell Nanoparticles at Liquid–Liquid Interfaces”
external page CHIMIA, 64(3), pp. 145-149, 2010
L Isa, R Besseling, A B Schofield and W C K Poon
“Quantitative Imaging of Concentrated Suspensions Under Flow”
external page HIGH SOLID DISPERSIONS Book Series: Advances in Polymer Science, Volume: 236, Pages: 163-202, 2010
L Isa, R Besseling, A N Morozov and W C K Poon
“Velocity Oscillations in Microfluidic Flows of Concentrated Colloidal Suspensions”
external page Physical Review Letters, 102(5), 058302, 2009
selected for the February 16, 2009 issue of AIP-APS Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
R Besseling, L Isa, E R Weeks and W C K Poon
“Quantitative imaging of colloidal flows”
external page Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 146(1-2), pp. 1–17, 2009
P Ballesta, R Besseling, L Isa, G Petekidis and W C K Poon
“Slip and Flow of Glassy Hard-Sphere Colloidal Glasses”
external page Physical Review Letters, 101, 258301, 2008
L Isa, R Besseling and W C K Poon
“Shear Zones and Wall Slip in the Capillary Flow of Concentrated Colloidal Suspensions”
external page Physical Review Letters, 98, 198305, 2007
L Isa, R Besseling, E R Weeks and W C K Poon
“Experimental studies of the flow of concentrated hard sphere suspensions into a constriction”
external page Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 40, pp. 124-132, 2006
R Rusconi, L Isa and R Piazza
“Thermal–lensing measurement of particle thermophoresis in aqueous dispersions”
external page Journal of Optical Society of America B, 21(3), pp. 605–616, 2004
